5 SQL Window

Now we’re just about ready to do some analysis with our database. Click on the SQL Window Icon. alt text You may need to expand the window by dragging the lower right corner of the window out so you can see everything.

A query is a request for information from the database. You will type your queries into the big blank box at the top of the window (next to the 1 line number).

You’ll run the query by clicking the Execute button (or hover over the button and it will pop up a tool tip telling you what the keyboard keystrokes are on your system).

The results of the query will appear in the box below. Sometimes the results will be a table; sometimes it will be a message.

A query has a structure. The most common one you’ll see today is a “select statement”. These start with the SELECT command, followed by the information you want to know, then the name of the table you want the information from, and finally (and optionally) other parameters that limit the results or provide some important caveats. Queries end with a semicolon.