11 References

  1. Peopleware: Productive Projects and Teams (DeMarco & Lister)

    A project management book that is actually pretty good. Specifically about managing software projects, but contains a lot of generally useful guidance.

  2. Clean Code (Martin)

    The book-length version of this workshop.

  3. The Mythical Man-Month (Brooks)

    This has all happened before; this will all happen again. Fred Brooks tells stories of software projects gone bad.

  4. The Workflow of Data Analysis Using Stata (Long)

    Lots of generic advice about data management.

  5. Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In (Fisher & Ury)

    You can't just give people orders all the time.

  6. How Societies Remember (Connerton)

    Cultural knowledge is the doing, not just the knowing.