1. Introduction#

This chapter introduces ideas and terminology about dynamic data visualizations. There aren’t any technical examples, but these concepts are important for understanding the rest of the material.

1.1. What Are Dynamic Visualizations?#

A data visualization is dynamic if it automatically changes over time or in response to some input from the viewer or other sources. Any data visualization which is not dynamic is static.


Other sources may define dynamic data visualizations differently, and that’s okay as long as you understand what’s meant! This workshop will use the definition given above.

You should already be familiar with creating static visualizations, which are just still images. In R, you may have used ggplot2, Lattice, or the built-in plotting functions to create static visualizations. In Python, you may have used Pandas, Seaborn, Plotnine, or Matplotlib.

Generally, dynamic visualizations require more effort to create than static ones. In addition to designing the visualization, you have to develop the code to update it in response to input. Depending on what you want to display, you may also have to learn new packages, learn new programming languages, and use specialized hardware.

For viewers, dynamic visualizations can be double-edged. A dynamic visualization can make the message in the data easier to understand if features are represented in an intuitive way, such as representing time through animation. It can also give the viewer freedom to explore aspects of the data that interest them most. On the other hand, a dynamic visualization that presents many options can seem overwhelming or even leave the viewer wondering what they’re supposed to take away. The novelty of dynamic visualization can also distract from the data and the intended message.

The following subsections present several different kinds of dynamic visualizations, in approximate order from least to most sophisticated.


Dynamic visualizations are especially beneficial and popular for geospatial and network data. For geospatial data, dynamic maps make it easy to identify data points, pan and zoom to specific areas of interest, and control which details of the data are shown. In addition, displaying map tiles (for instance, from OpenStreetMap) under the data can provide important context. For network data, dynamic graphs make it easy to identify nodes, identify edges on nodes, and otherwise explore.

Within the specialized world of dynamic visualization, visualizing geospatial and network data are further specializations. There are many packages, libraries, and other tools specifically devoted to these tasks. This workshop focuses on dynamic visualization more generally, and doesn’t cover how to handle geospatial or network data. If you’re interested in those topics, check out these two other workshops from DataLab:

DataLab also has many other workshops related to data visualization and to geospatial data. You can find an up-to-date list of our workshops here.

1.1.1. Animation#

Animated visualizations can be a great way to convey how data vary as a specific feature varies, especially if the feature is related to time. One example is the animation featured in Flowing Data’s article The Changing American Diet.

If you know how to make static visualizations, then you know almost everything you need to know to make animated visualizations. An animation displays a collection of still images, called frames, in rapid succession. In an animated visualization, the frames are just static visualizations!

To make an animated visualization, first write code to generate each frame. This code will probably look a lot like static visualization code you’ve written in the past, perhaps with an added loop over the frames.

After generating the frames, you have two options: you can convert the frames to an animated file format or write code to display the frames at speed yourself. The first approach is simpler, and best for animations which will always play at the same speed. The second approach is more flexible, but also requires substantially more effort and technical knowledge.

There are packages to convert still images into an animated image format such as GIF or a video format such as MP4 for both R and Python. Some of them are listed in Section 2.

Writing code to display animation frames at speed is challenging. The code must display the frames at a constant speed—not too fast and not too slow—or else the animation will look choppy and disjointed. This is a common requirement of video games, but not of the kinds of tasks for which R and Python were designed. As a consequence, for some animations it can be difficult or impossible to write R or Python code which runs fast enough. Nevertheless, there are some tutorials and other resources for R, and even a few packages for Python. Some of these are also listed in Section 2.

1.1.2. Reactivity#

Dynamic visualizations are particularly well-suited to data which are continuously or frequently updated over time. These kinds of data are called streaming data. A dynamic visualization can react automatically to reflect new data, so that it’s always up-to-date and viewers can monitor changes over time. For example, the plots on the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s San Francisco weather station update in near-real-time.

Dynamic visualizations can also react to inputs that change only occasionally or aren’t time-based at all. As an example, The Pudding’s Music Bubble Map automatically shows data relevant to the viewer’s location—and also updates monthly based on the latest data from online music services.

Creating a reactive visualization is a bigger undertaking than creating an animation because this kind of visualization is really a small application (a computer program). The visualization can only react to data changes if there’s code to detect those changes and to update what’s displayed—code that you have to develop. The code will typically need to run continuously while the visualization is being viewed, which may also make it necessary to have a computer specifically dedicated to the task. Section 1.2 covers this last point in more detail.

As of writing, dashboards—applications designed to concisely communicate information—are very popular as a medium for reactive and interactive (see Section 1.1.3) visualizations. Modern dashboards typically run within a web browser so that viewers don’t have to install anything. Dashboards will likely become more popular as web technologies improve. Section 2 presents many of the dashboard packages available for R and Python.

1.1.3. Interactivity#

A dynamic visualization is interactive if it changes in response to input from the viewer (instead of or in addition to other sources). As an example, Information is Beautiful’s Gender Pay Gap visualization includes drop-down menus so that the viewer can choose whether gaps are shown as total salary or percentage of salary and how jobs are sorted. Another example is The Pudding’s Map of Places in the U.S. with the Same Name, which prompts the viewer for a city name to look up.

Interactive visualizations are a subcategory of reactive visualizations, so the steps to create one are almost the same (see Section 1.1.2). The difference is that you must also develop an interface to collect input from the viewer. Typically this is a graphical user interface (GUI, often pronounced “gooey”), a collection of interactive elements called widgets. Examples of widgets include menus, text boxes, sliders, and buttons.


An application’s GUI and the associated code are called the frontend, while an application’s processing logic and code are called the backend. It might help to think of these like the body and engine, respectively, of a car. Each can be quite complicated and has specific design requirements. Thus the difference between interactive and reactive visualizations can be restated:

Interactive visualizations require additional frontend code.


The terms “widget”, “graphical user interface”, “frontend”, and “backend” come from software engineering. They also apply to applications which require user input but have nothing to do with data visualization.

Dashboard packages usually provide a collection of common widgets you can use to build a GUI, often as part of a web application. There are also general-purpose GUI packages that provide widgets for building desktop applications, but these usually aren’t designed specifically for data visualization. Section 2 lists R and Python packages for creating GUIs, albeit with more focus on dashboard packages than general-purpose GUI packages.

1.2. Where Will the Code Run?#

Most dynamic visualizations are applications. The code for the dynamic behavior has to run in the background while the visualization is being viewed. In some cases, such as visualizations of streaming data, the code may have to run continuously. When you develop a dynamic visualization, it’s important to consider whether the code will run on the viewer’s computer or on a computer you control. The following subsections explain several different ways to distribute and run dynamic visualizations.

1.2.1. Web Applications#

A web application (or web app) is one where the frontend is a collection of web pages. Examples include the visualizations linked in Section 1.1.2 and Section 1.1.3, Jupyter Notebooks, Google Office, and OpenStreetMap. Most dashboards are web apps.

Web apps can be hosted on a server—an always-on internet-connected computer—so that viewers can run the app by navigating to a URL in their web browser. Since web browsers are available for every modern operating system and are often built in, viewers typically won’t have to install anything. This includes operating systems for tablets, smartphones, and other portable devices. As a result, web apps are a great way to make a dynamic visualization easy for a large audience to access, regardless of how much technical knowledge they have.

Web pages are written in hypertext markup language (HTML). They can also include cascading style sheets (CSS) for additional formatting and JavaScript code for reactive behavior. Familiarity with these web languages is helpful for developing web apps, but not always a requirement.

When developing a web app, an important design decision is where the backend will run. There are two options:

  • In a server-side web app, the backend runs on a server. The server is generally under your control as the app developer and distributor, so you can ensure that it has appropriate hardware and software for running the app. You can write the code for the backend in any programming language the server can run. A disadvantage of this approach is that it can be expensive: you end up paying for all of the computing your audience does, whether by renting a server or by buying a server and paying for its maintenance and electricity. This approach can also be technically challenging, especially for beginners.

  • In a client-side web app, the backend runs in the viewer’s web browser on their computer. You have no control over the hardware, so it’s important to consider what kinds of hardware your app’s viewers might have. The code must be written in JavaScript or a language that can be compiled to WebAssembly. An advantage of this approach is that you don’t have to pay for the computing your audience does. Hosting this kind of web app online is usually free or inexpensive.

There are several R and Python packages for creating web apps and dashboards (see Section 2). Most provide functions to describe and programmatically generate the frontend. That means you can get started without having to learn the web languages. Nevertheless, being familiar with them is helpful for debugging and customizing your apps. Most packages assume the backend will run on a server and be written in R or Python. The ones that don’t usually require a good understanding of JavaScript. As Desktop Applications#

One way to get the flexibility of a server-side web app without the cost is by distributing your web app as a desktop application. In this approach, the viewer’s computer acts as the server. The backend runs on their computer, so the app’s performance will depend on their hardware. They may also need to install software such as R or Python before running the app. They still access the app through a web browser.


Many modern desktop applications are actually web apps. Examples include Microsoft Visual Studio Code and Slack.

The disadvantage of this approach is that it requires technical knowledge on the part of the viewers. You may have to provide them with detailed setup instructions, and even then they may run into problems. In spite of that, if you only plan to distribute your app to a few people, this is often the best option.

1.2.2. Desktop Applications#

Creating a desktop application is the main alternative to creating a web app. Your desktop application could simply be an executable R or Python script. For both languages, there are packages with bindings to popular GUI toolkits for creating application frontends.

Desktop applications have several advantages over to web apps:

  • An internet connection is not required unless the application downloads data from the internet.

  • A web browser is not required, so there’s no performance penalty for running one.

  • You can develop the application with whatever programming language and GUI toolkit you want.

  • Your application can use hardware that may be difficult or impossible to access from a web app, such as graphical processing units (GPUs)—assuming the viewer’s computer has the hardware.

However, there are also some disadvantages:

  • There aren’t many packages specifically for developing data visualizations and dashboards as desktop applications. As a consequence, you may have to write more code to create the frontend than you would for a web app.

  • Before running the application, the viewer may have to install it. They may also have to install other required software, such as R or Python.

  • R and Python don’t have built-in tools for generating executable files, so the steps to run the application may be different compared to most applications the viewer uses.

  • The performance of the application is tied to the software and hardware on the viewer’s computer. If the application will be distributed to multiple viewers, it may be difficult to predict whether and how well the application will run.

1.3. Do You Need Dynamic Visualizations?#

By now, you can probably see that crafting a great dynamic visualization requires substantially more design effort, technical knowledge, programming effort, and specialized hardware than crafting a great static visualization. This section is a caution that while dynamic visualizations are exciting, you might not need one to convey the information you want to convey.

Designing a dynamic visualization is challenging. In addition to all of the design principles for static visualizations (see DataLab’s Principles of Data Visualization reader for details), you must consider how your visualization will change over time or in response to input. How will you direct the viewer’s attention to the important parts of the data? If the visualization is interactive, how will you make sure that the viewer understands what it’s meant to communicate? Moreover, how will you ensure that the viewer understands how to interact with the visualization?

Implementing a dynamic visualization is challenging. You’ll have to learn the programming interface for whatever dynamic visualization package you decide to use. It’s likely you’ll also need to learn a little bit about animation, HTML and JavaScript, or a widget toolkit. With so many different technologies in the mix, debugging dynamic visualizations can be an exercise in frustration.

Distributing a dynamic visualization is challenging. You’ll probably need to provide viewers with instructions about how to set up, access, and use the visualization. You might also have to pay for and set up a web server.

While these points may seem negative, they’re intended to make you think carefully about why you want to make a dynamic visualization before you make one. In many cases, static visualizations work just as well or better for summarizing data, and have a much shorter development time and easier distribution path.