
This workshop series provides an introduction to accessing and computing on remote servers such as UC Davis’ “Farm” cluster. The series covers everything you need to know to get started: how to set up and use SSH to log in and transfer files, how to install software with conda, how to reserve computing time and run programs with SLURM, and shell commands that are especially useful for working with servers.

Learning Goals#

After this workshop series, learners should be able to:

  • Use SSH to log in to a server

  • Transfer files to and from a server

  • Set up and use conda/mamba to install software on a server

  • Use SLURM to run interactive and non-interactive software on a server

  • Explain etiquette for using a server cluster such as Farm


Participants must have taken DataLab’s “Overview of Remote and High Performance Computing (HPC)” workshop and “Introduction to the Command Line” workshop series, or have equivalent prior experience. Participants must be comfortable with basic Linux shell syntax.