6 Examples

Black and white Noun Project Icon showing two women discussing a graph

6.1 Examples of Data Science Portfolios

Below are some examples of portfolios of DataLab affiliates and alumni who work in the Data Sciences and related areas. These portfolios are hosted on a variety of different platforms and are organized differently to meet the goals of each individual.

Arthur Koehl has excellent visuals and descriptive text using a simple, but highly effective, structure.

Michele Tobias has separate portfolio pages for different aspects of her work and other pages to give the work more context.

Taylor Reiter has a visually uncomplicated yet impactful website with links to project web pages and her other academic profiles.

Ryan Peek combines a blog and dynamic project examples.

Samuel Pizelo has a simple list of projects supported by context on other pages (bio, contact info, teaching, etc.).

Liza Wood uses tabs on her Research page to divide her work into categories.

Jared Joseph showcases his visualization skills, using the website design to underscore those skills.

Hervé Guillon has separate pages for datasets and packages he has developed.

Rich Pauloo uses a tile widget to list his projects.