9 Resources

In the workshop, we learned the basics of building a webpage that contains an interactive web map. We learned some basic HTML and javascript, in particular the Leaflet javascript library. There is so much more you can learn and create! Here are some resources to help you build on the skills you learned in this workshop:

Leaflet Reference - tutorials and documentation for the Leaflet javascript library

W3Schools - a good reference for HTML, CSS, & general javascript

Leafmap Basemap Search Tool - this is a python package, so it’s not directly applicable to this workshop, however it may be useful to help you discover other basemap options or point you to sources you didn’t know about

OpenPlanetary Basemaps - a place to find basemaps for web maps of non-Earth planets; at the time of writing, The Moon and Mars were available.

Programming Historian walk through

Anatomy of a web map presentation

leaflet R package

Github Pages Documentation

Open-Source Web-GIS Development Roadmap - How to develop your skills for web-based spatial tools and maps