1 Preliminaries

This workshop covers the basics of using Git in tandem with GitHub. It is a hybrid workshop. First, independently work through this online tutorial at your own pace and ensure that you have set up GitHub account. Next, join us for the live interactive session (details below), during which we will learn how to use GitHub to sync local and remote repositories, manage code, and work in parallel with teams. If you need help troubleshooting your installation, drop-in to DataLab’s virtual office hours prior to the interactive session to ensure that you will be able to follow along on your own machine.

The full workshop description can be found here.

1.1 Interactive Session Information

The workshop includes a live, interactive session. Zoom login information will be sent to all registered participants via email; reach out to datalab-training@ucdavis.edu the day prior if you received a registration confirmation but have not received your Zoom link.

1.2 About this Tutorial

This online tutorial provides background information that will help participants to better understand the concepts introduced during the interactive session. It also includes information to help you successfully set up a GitHub account, which must be completed prior to the interactive session.

1.3 Objectives for this Workshop

By the end of this workshop, learners will be able to:

  • Push local changes to a repository on GitHub
  • Create a local copy of an existing repository from GitHub
  • Open and merge a pull request
  • Create a branch to manage work in parallel
  • Add issues and manage notifications for a GitHub repository
  • Identify where to go to learn more

1.4 Prerequisites

Familiarity with Command Line and Git version control software is required. Participants should be proficient in navigating their machine and executing basic Git commands using a shell scripting program (Terminal, Bash, etc.). Before attending this workshop, learners should be able to create, modify and navigate to a directory, place a directory under version control, and make, stage and commit changes using Command Line.

Need to brush up? Preparatory workshops include DataLab’s Introduction to Command Line and Introduction to Git for Version Control (See materials at https://datalab.ucdavis.edu/workshops/).